I've tried my hand at blogging in the past and always lost the words, time, or stories to properly engage readers on the topic. Writing is therapeutic, as is shopping. I know, so cliche. But, so damn true. It's only necessary to blog about a love, or perhaps obsession and try my hand once more on the keyboard to write about an enjoyable topic-fashion. Everyone blogs or knows someone who blogs. Blogging is like the waisted belt. Overused and so last year. Yet for some reason you always find use for it. You either have the stomach for it or you don't. And if you have the stomach for it, you can rock it and know you're rocking it. Whether you wear a dress, shirt, or any other number, write about a trip to Korea, your kids, or politics, you always find a way to bring a belt or blog out of the closet.
What is fashion to me and why do my two cents matter? Valid questions. I hope to answer them soon. Everyone has a skill or talent. Some legal, some illegal, some creepy, some entertaining, some good, and some evil. I believe God just happened to bless me with a decent eye for men's and women's clothing. It happens.
I was living in New York living and breathing fashion daily and religiously. Since my recent move back to Middle America for my great husband following his legal career, I've found myself itching to walk outside my Harlem stoop and begin my journey: analyzing every shoe, handbag, accessory, and more. From the subway, to my walk to work, on a coffee run, to a Saturday stroll through SOHO, from meeting a friend in Chelsea, or riding in a cab up Madison Avenue at three in the morning seeing all the designer store windows lit with mannequins telling their own little story.

The avenue looks so different in the day, but so much more powerful at night. The yellow fiery store lights lining the streets truly ignite the fashion fire inside you. From 52nd street all the way to 77th street. Nothing but lights, fashion, and moonlight. I remember thinking, "Don't get to 77th street, slow down cabbie, slow down." And it never changed. From the 1st time to the 100th time. It was my own little adventure, my fashion safari. Unfortunately, the middle america fashion jungle is not as intense or as satisfying as I would want. Don't get me wrong, I do see a couple wild animals once in a while that give me hope. But, nothing as stimulating as walking down New York City streets.
This blog is my outlet. My reach back to the fashion capital, in which I formerly held residency. Now, I'm not saying you'll agree with every fashion say so, advice, or tip I have, but I will promise you'll close this blogspot with a new fashion idea you may not consciously accept, but will subconsciously follow. Beware of what you are about to embark on. Your fashion sense is about to be heightened.

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